


  1. a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.

    "she was an untiring advocate for naturopathic medicine"

2024 Legislative Updates

  • Organized a successful Lobby Day with over 35 naturopathic doctors, students, patients, and advocates attending 30 meetings with state representatives

  • We are pleased to report that SB1451, a bill that originally aimed to restrict Naturopathic Doctors in California from referring to themselves as "doctors," has been successfully amended. Thanks to the efforts of the CNDA, the bill now explicitly preserves the right of NDs to use the title "doctor." Governor Gavin Newsom has officially signed this important legislation into law, ensuring clarity and protection for our profession.

  • Successfully defeated legislation that would eliminate NDs’ ability to call themselves doctor and would have prevented NDs from using specialty titles.

2022 & 2023 Legislative Wins

  • Governor Newsom signed SB994 into law, allowing NDs to hire LVNs! This is a huge win for us and will help doctors streamline their practices. Below you will find all of the details of what this means. Please join me in thanking Senator Brian Jones (R-San Diego) for authoring this bill for us. He and his staff worked tirelessly on this issue all year. Thank you to all the members of the legislative committee and our amazing lobbyist, Monica Miller. Thanks to all of you who donated to support this legislation – your contributions were essential. If you haven’t already, please donate to keep our legislative work running. It is an expensive process and we are only getting started!

    Get the full breakdown at CNDA.

  • Governor signed AB2685 which will keep our licensing body running! It also officially designates our licensing body as a Board. This has been a long term goal of ours. We were originally assigned a weak bureau and were upgraded later due to significant efforts by CNDA to a Committee and now we will have a Board – starting next year, the Naturopathic Medicine Committee will become the California Board of Naturopathic Medicine! The Board will also get an additional staff person, which will help with enforcement issues.

    This new law, renames the Naturopathic Medicine Committee as the California Board of Naturopathic Medicine, and moves it from within the Osteopathic Medical Board of California to within the Department of Consumer Affairs. This has no impact on licensees.

    Other changes that you may be interested in:

    Existing law requires an applicant for licensure to pass the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examination (NPLEX) or an equivalent examination approved by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners. This new bill would authorize the board to additionally require an applicant to pass any NPLEX elective examinations relevant to a licensee’s scope of practice in California.

    Existing law further requires an applicant for licensure to complete continuing education requirements biennially and authorizes those requirements to be met through continuing education courses approved by the committee, the California Naturopathic Doctors Association, or various other entities, or through other courses that meet the continuing education standards for licensed physicians and surgeons in California. This bill also authorizes those continuing education requirements to be met through courses approved by the North American Naturopathic Continuing Education Accreditation Council.

    Existing law requires a naturopathic doctor, in order to be certified for the specialty practice of naturopathic childbirth attendance, to obtain a passing grade on the American College of Nurse Midwives Written Examination, or a substantially equivalent examination approved by the committee, in addition to complying with other educational requirements. This new bill would include the American Naturopathic Obstetricians examination within the above-described examinations required for that specialty practice certification.

  • Successfully countered legislation that would eliminate naturopathic doctors' ability to call themselves "doctor" and use specialty titles such as FABNO, FABNE, FABNG, etc.

2021 Legislative Wins

  • Successfully advocated for a waiver for NDs to be able to administer the COVID-19 vaccine without a supervisory agreement with an MD/DO. For more information, review the DCA order & guidance.

  • Successfully advocated to get NDs added to the list of providers who could volunteer during the COVID-19 pandemic: see Immunizations / Authorized Licensees.

  • Created a COVID specific supervisory agreement for NDs who don't have a general supervisory agreement with an MD or DO, but who want to volunteer to give the COVID vaccine. (link coming soon)

Previous Legislative Wins

  • Organized a successful Lobby Day with over 62 naturopathic doctors, students, patients, and advocates attending 59 meetings with state representatives

  • Aided the successful passage of the California ND State Board's Sunset Review Bill, SB 796. The ND State Board, the Naturopathic Medicine Committee (NMC), was up for review and legislators evaluated its performance and efficacy in regulating the naturopathic industry in our state. SB 796 continues the licensure of NDs from 2018 to 2022.

  • Monitored SB 562, a bill that will create the Healthy California program to provide universal single-payer health care coverage as well as a health care cost control system for the benefit of all California residents

  • Lobbied Scope Modernization Bill, SB 538, in the state Assembly where we passed our vote in the Appropriations Committee

  • Hosted our annual Lobby Day with over 70 naturopathic doctors, students, and patients in attendance for 78 meetings with state senate and assembly members

  • Coordinated tours at the Bastyr University San Diego Campus for eight legislators and their staff to show the strong capabilities of the school and the hands-on learning style of their ND students

    Communicated with the California Department of Insurance, the Department of Managed Health Care, and the federal Health and Human Services agency to further insurance parity efforts for NDs in California and across the country

    Educated national healthcare suppliers on the rights and scope of naturopathic doctors to enable NDs to prescribe more of the treatments their patients need

    Supported a California bill to allow NDs to perform state sports physicals, as well as a bill to promote the judicious use of opioids in treating back pain within Worker's Compensation Programs

  • Introduced Scope Modernization Bill, SB 538 into the state legislature where it passed three votes in the Senate and another in the Assembly.

  • Organized a successful Lobby Day with over 85 naturopathic doctors, students, patients, and advocates attending 85 meetings with state representatives

  • Supported several state bills introduced to address insurance parity, patient choice and health, and the establishment of antibiotic stewardship programs

    Nurtured our positive relationships with state associations, departments, and legislators and also strengthened our naturopathic advocate network with 100s of new supporters joining our advocacy database, VoterVoice

  • Aided the successful passage of the Naturopathic Act's Sunset Review Bill (SB305) through state congress, receiving a unanimous vote to support the continuance of our profession in California

    Organized another successful Lobby Day where we were able to send several NDs up to Sacramento to meet with important legislators and their staff throughout the day to inform them about the profession. These meetings often serve as an introduction to Naturopathic Medicine for many new legislators

    Drafted and sent in letters of support for the reappoinment of Naturopathic Medicine Committee members

    Created training materials for In District Meetings and organized visits from doctors to their legislative representatives

    Did extensive background research to prepare for the introduction of scope of practice expansion bill for California naturopathic doctors

    Set up Voter Voice software, which enables our members to directly contact their legislators before crucial votes

  • Sponsored and supported the passage of the IV Clarification Bill (SB1446) which secured California ND's right to independently perform nutritional IM and IV Therapy

    Successfully amended the Vaccine Bill (AB2109) to include NDs as providers authorized to counsel parents on childhood vaccines and facilitate access to vaccine waivers if appropriate

    Assisted Bastyr University in the establishment of a Naturopathic Medical School in our state: Bastyr California opened in September, 2012

    Put together our most successful Lobby Day yet! Coordinated the attendance of numerous doctors and students to collectively visit with over 30 legislators and educate them about our profession

  • Sponsored and supported the passage of SB1050, which established the Naturopathic Medicine Committee, which functions autonomously under the Osteopathic Medical Board of CA

    This act changed the composition of the NMC to five NDs, two MDs, and two public members. Revising the composition of the Committee made it consistent with other healing arts boards in California in that the majority of Committee members are representatives of the profession.

    Sponsored and supported the passage of our first scope expansion bill, SB1246, which allows NDs to hire Naturopathic Assistants and perform CLIA-waived tests in office

    Created an amicable relationship with the Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of California (OPSC)

  • Medicine and created the Naturopathic Medicine Committee under the Osteopathic Medical Board of California. The bill:

    Abolished the Advisory Council, created the Committee, and all Committee members are Governor Appointees.

    Created an executive officer to carry out the duties of the Committee.

    Required a minimum of two Committee meetings per year.

    The Committee has since approved regulations pertaining to continuing education and enforcement, written a strategic plan, created sub-committees to develop a scope of practice document, created a standards of practice document, defined disciplinary guidelines, and updated findings from the 2007 Reports to the Legislature.

  • In 2003, Senate Bill 907 (Burton; Chapter 485, Statutes of 2003) established the Naturopathic Doctors Act (Act) and created the Bureau of Naturopathic Medicine (Bureau) within the Department of Consumer Affairs to administer the Act. The Act contained requirements for the licensure and regulation of Naturopathic Doctors (NDs), and established a scope of practice for the profession.

    California’s Health Freedom Bill (SB 577) became law effective January 1, 2003, which allowed the unlicensed practice of health education by lay persons.

  • In the spring of 2001, Dr. Sally LaMont, California Association of Naturopathic Physicians (precursor to CNDA) executive director, gave testimony about naturopathic medicine to the newly formed Alternative Medicine Committee of the Medical Board of California.

  • In October 2000, representatives from the CANP and AANP testified at a hearing in San Francisco for the White House Commission for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy.

  • In 1999, Senator Johanassen sponsored Senate Bill (SB) 1059 – a study bill – that would support the forthcoming “Naturopathic Physicians Practice Act”. The bill was “parked” for a year as the state could not fund the study.

    Also in 1999, the Department of Consumer Affairs held a forum to assess the political and professional climate surrounding possible licensing; attendees included allopathic and naturopathic physicians, representatives of educational institutions and standards, the California Medical Association, chiropractors, licensed acupuncturists, and representatives from groups representing unlicensable naturopathic practitioners.

    The CANP partnered with AANP to help build awareness in California of the national, licensable profession of naturopathic physicians. The CANP spent the next two years securing grants and forming committees for legislation, fundraising, and outreach to naturopathic medical schools.

  • In the 1980’s, Naturopathic physicians formed the California Association of Naturopathic Physicians (CANP). The CANP began exploring the possibility of securing licensing in California in 1986.

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