2025 Conference Agenda

& Presentations

18 CEs (11 pharmacy)* - Agenda subject to change
*approved by The CNDA

18 CEs for CA LAc**

**Category 1 TM Credits | CE Provider #805 | 310 670 8100 | **This course is pending approval by The California Acupuncture Board for 18 hours of continuing education / *Refunds not available


LIVE On Demand Presentations

*Presentations must be viewed in addition to the live conference in order to receive full credit.

  • Alice Nguyen, ND

    This course explores the foundational role muscle plays in enhancing healthspan, with a focus on its impact on longevity and resilience against all-cause mortality. Led by Dr. Alice Nguyen, Director of Naturopathic Medicine at Stark Health, the course integrates evidenced-informed approaches with practical assessment and intervention strategies.

    After the presentation, participants will be able to confidently:

    1. Understand the key consequences of sarcopenia

    2. Identify key macronutrients on building lean mass and calculations based on the patients’ goals

    3. Prescribe key pharmaceutical approaches on increasing lean mass and improving body composition

    4. Identify which exercise interventions are optimal for improving lean mass

    Goals and Objectives:

    After the presentation, participants will be able to confidently:

    1. Describe the effect of nutrients on mitochondrial function

      2. Describe the effect of NAD on mitochondrial function

      3. Describe the effect of Thyroid on mitochondrial function

      4. Describe the effect of Methylene Blue on mitochondrial function

      5. Describe the effect of Photodynamic Therapy on mitochondrial function

  • Terry Manning II ND, RMSK, MA

    Regenerative medicine is reshaping the landscape of modern healthcare, with its application in musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions emerging as a leader in evidence-based innovation. Among these therapies, microfragmented adipose tissue (MFAT), derived from a patient’s own fat, stands out as a uniquely effective solution. Boasting exceptional regenerative properties, MFAT has become the preferred choice for treating tendon and ligament injuries, offering natural and transformative outcomes. This session will delve into the science behind adipose tissue, the step-by-step processes for acquiring and processing it, clinical indications for its use, and compelling case studies that highlight its real-world success.

    Goals and Objectives:

    After the presentation, participants will be able to confidently:

    1. Identify patients most likely to benefit from adipose tissue-based therapies.

    2. Master the techniques for acquiring and preparing adipose tissue for MSK applications.

    3. Differentiate between various autologous regenerative medicine options to make evidence-based treatment decisions.

  • Terry Manning II ND, RMSK, MA

    Regenerative medicine holds immense potential, but it is grounded in science—not magic. Unfortunately, the rapid growth of illegitimate practices has created confusion among patients and referring providers, muddying the waters of this innovative field. As with any medical treatment, proper patient selection is the cornerstone of achieving successful outcomes. This presentation will focus on the evidence supporting regenerative medicine in treating common musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions and provide practical guidance for primary care providers.

    Attendees will learn to identify the patients and diagnoses most suited for referral to a regenerative medicine specialist, ensuring optimal care. Additionally, this presentation will empower primary care providers with the tools to recognize reputable regenerative medicine experts, helping them navigate the complexities of this growing field and confidently guide their patients toward evidence-based treatments.

    Goals and Objectives:

    After the presentation, participants will be able to confidently:

    1. Identify patients that are good candidates for regenerative medicine

    2. Discern reputable regenerative medicine practitioners to refer patients.

    3. Treat specific MSK conditions with regenerative medicine.

    4. Differentiate the ethical and unethical implementation of regenerative medicine.

    5. Help prepare their patients and optimize outcomes of regenerative medicine procedures.

  • John Neustadt, ND

    Naturally occurring Vitamin K is a group of lipid-soluble, essential nutrients that includes vitamins K1 and K2. In recent decades, basic and clinical research have demonstrated Vitamin K’s wide-ranging benefits beyond its role in coagulation. However, the different vitamin K moieties are different molecules with distinct physiological impacts. Complicating our understanding is that there are fifteen subtypes of vitamin K2, and published research frequently doesn’t define the vitamin K2 moiety being studied. Additionally, to date, 15 vitamin K-dependent enzymes have been identified, but not all forms of vitamin K have been shown to equally activate these enzymes and improve clinical outcomes. This presentation reviews vitamin K’s clinical applications for cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and cancer and its potential emerging role in neurological health. Controversies around vitamin K will also be addressed, including a 2021 study that concluded dietary vitamin K2 is associated with increased breast cancer mortality.

    Goals and Objectives:

    After the presentation, participants will be able to confidently:

    1. Understand the differences between forms of Vitamin K and where they’re found

    2. Understand which forms of vitamin K have been shown to improve clinical outcomes.

    3. Be able to read and understand the vitamin K research more easily.

    4. Be able to explain to patients why you may prescribe one form of vitamin K over another. .

  • Mai Tran, PharmD

    When the hormone oxytocin is mentioned, it is often associated primarily with its role in facilitating uterine contractions during childbirth. However, its applications extend far beyond the labor and delivery setting. The body of clinical research supporting the use of oxytocin for various conditions has expanded significantly, owing to its ease of accessibility, substantial efficacy, and favorable side effect profile.

    In this presentation, attendees will explore how clinical studies have validated the use of oxytocin in treating conditions such as social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), sexual health issues in both men and women, dyspareunia, migraines, binge eating disorders, and pain management, among others. A review of the various dosage forms and their respective advantages and disadvantages will be discussed. Attendees will be educated on the clinically studied doses and their specific indications, as well as anticipated side effects and the recommended dose adjustments to mitigate them.

    Goals and Objectives:

    After the presentation, participants will be able to confidently:

    1. Discuss the benefits of oxytocin in its use for sexual health in both men and women, anxiety, PTSD, migraines, and vaginal atrophy.

    2. Identify the different formulations of oxytocin available.

    3. Discuss the various indications for oxytocin based on clinical studies

    4. Identify the proper doses and routes of administration of oxytocin for specific indications.